what do you know about Afewerk Tekle

Image result for afewerk tekleAfewerk Tekle (22 October 1932 – 10 April 2012) was one of Ethiopia's most celebrated artists, particularly known for his paintingson African and Christian themes as well as his stained glass.[1]
Born in Ankober to Feleketch Yamatawork and Tekle Mamo, Afewerk grew up under the Italian occupation during the Second World War. Following the war, in 1947, Afewerk decided that he wanted to help rebuild Ethiopia and elected to travel to England to studymining engineering. Before departing, Afewerk, together with other students leaving to study overseas, was addressed by EmperorHaile Selassie. Afewerk recalls being told "you must work hard, and when you come back do not tell us what tall buildings you saw in Europe, or what wide streets they have, but make sure you return equipped with the skills and the mindset to rebuild Ethiopia".
Afewerk had already shown talent as an artist as a child, decorating several walls in his home town. Whilst at boarding school in England, this talent was recognised and encouraged by his teachers. As a result, Afewerk was persuaded to switch from engineering and enroll in Central School of Arts and Crafts in London. He then went on to the Slade School of Art where he studied painting, sculpture and architecture.........

Afewerk tekle paints


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